Losing a loved one is never easy. Losing a loved one because of someone else’s negligence makes it all that much worse. Wrongful death claims in Washington are governed by several statutes enacted by the legislature. These statutes are very complicated and not just any lawyer can properly handle a wrongful death claim.
Van Siclen Stocks Firkins (VSF) has successfully handled hundreds of wrongful death claims over the years. By aggressively pursuing recovery for the families of victims killed by the negligent acts of others, we have earned our reputation for protecting our clients’ interests until the end.
Experienced Wrongful Death Lawyers
We have handled many wrongful death cases including multiple cases for wrongful death due to medical malpractice, workplace injuries, and car crashes that have resulted in death. We have also handled wrongful death cases resulting from governmental negligence. One of our more notable cases involved Zina Linnik. On July 4, 2007, twelve-year-old Zina Linnik, was kidnapped from her backyard. VSF’s exacting investigation revealed numerous instances of negligence on the part of law enforcement and resulted in both changes to existing law and the public disciplining of Tacoma’s Chief of Police.
We have represented a family whose father was killed in a workplace injury on a demolition site. The case was complex as it involved not only issues surrounding the wrongful death statutes, but also complex construction law issues. After the dust had cleared, we recovered a significant settlement for the worker’s family.
We have also represented the families of patients killed by the negligence of physicians. Usually, these cases involve a failure to diagnose dangerous conditions. We have recovered millions of dollars in wrongful death settlements for our clients.
Think You May Have a Wrongful Death Claim?
If you believe you have a valid claim for the wrongful death of a family member, contact us. Your first consultation is always free and we’ll evaluate your situation to make recommendations for next steps.
Areas We Serve
Van Siclen, Stocks & Firkins serves Auburn, Covington, Des Moines, Federal Way, Kent, Maple Valley, and Renton, Washington.