VSF personal injury lawyers have been representing people injured by the negligence of others for more than 50 years. Were you injured in a car accident? Did you slip and fall on a wet floor at a business? Did you suffer a dog bite that caused substantial injuries? We have forged an unmatched reputation for always standing by and protecting the rights of our clients.
Taking On The Insurance Companies
Perhaps the biggest challenge in personal injury cases is dealing with the insurance companies. Have they denied your claim? Have they bullied you? Are they making you low-ball offers? You need an experienced personal injury attorney on your side to help you not only take on the insurance companies, but also to help you recover lost wages and compensate you for your pain and suffering.
As a personal injury victim, you are entitled to compensation for your injuries, and VSF is here to help. We’ve handled numerous high-profile personal injury cases including several successful class action lawsuits against major Washington state insurers. In prosecuting these class action suits, VSF helped protect thousands of Washington state consumers. In one of the lawsuits, we helped rewrite the law on insurance claims in Washington state. Check out the Supreme Court opinion in Durant v. State Farm.
Our Promise – Your Wellbeing Comes First
As top personal injury lawyers, if we don’t win your case, we will not charge you. It’s your assurance that we’re on your team, fighting for your best interests. This type of contingency fee is a risk for our firm, but it’s the type of risk we’re willing to take to fight for what’s best for our clients.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a personal injury law?
Simply put, personal injury law refers to when you are harmed by the negligence of another individual or entity.
How much is my case worth?
Even if two cases appear to be the same, the results may be very different. There are a variety of factors that influence the result of each, including medical bills and future medical bills, fault, lost wages, insurance company representation, and the individual clients.
Our attorneys work with you and openly communicate with you. Together, we will work towards the best possible outcome for your case.
Will my case go to court?
There are many factors that help determine whether or not a personal injury claim goes to court. These factors may lead to court, mediation or a different solution. Even if a lawsuit is filed, the case may or may not go to court. Mediation is a process where a mediator, who has no interests in the success of either party, helps all parties involved reach an agreement.
What types of personal injury claims does VSSF handle?
The lawyers at VSSF have experience in a wide variety of personal injury claims. Having aggressive, confident and knowledgeable attorneys on your side is critical.
Personal Injury Lawyers That Work For You
If you are facing a personal injury issue and would like legal counsel, please contact us immediately. Your first consultation is always free. From there we will evaluate your personal injury situation and make recommendations for next steps.